Page 12 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 12
Performance Improvement Matters
At Baptist Health, there is always an opportunity to improve,
no matter how big or small the improvement.
We look at performance improvement as an opportunity to enhance
the performance of our people, processes, and/or equipment.
We can incorporate different strategies and tools based on the
type and scope of the needed improvement.
We always promote evidence-based care practices that can reduce
costs or wastes. In looking at all opportunities, the goal is always to
improve clinical care, patient outcomes, and experience of care.
The foundation for all Baptist Health performance improvement
projects is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) process. The picture on
the right illustrates the PDSA cycle.
Plan: Identify an opportunity - plan the improvement
Do: Carry out the improvement, taking small steps in a controlled environment
Study: Monitor the effects of the improvement
Act: Take actions to standardize the improvement