Page 10 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 10

Talk to Patients about the
        Best Ways to Manage Pain and Discomfort

        When asking about pain, it is important to demonstrate empathy and to reassure
        patients and families that we are doing everything we can to promote healing and
        comfort. Establish a personal connection using eye contact and pay attention to the
        patient's verbal and non-verbal cues.

        Reassure patients we will do everything we
        can to control pain and discomfort.
        "We are going to improve your discomfort by
        raising the head of your bed, position you
        upright with pillows, and give you your
        medication as needed.  We will monitor how you
        are feeling for the next few hours to see if these
        comfort measures are helping you feel better."

        I see that you are in pain. Let's _______ (fill in
        what you plan to do).

        I realize this procedure is uncomfortable. I will
        try to minimize the pain as much as possible.

        Is there anything I can do to make you more
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