Page 137 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 137

2020 Annual Required Education

        Corporate Compliance Summary

        Anonymous reports can be made by calling the Compliance Hotline 888-492-9329
        or by logging onto
        The access code is BHS.

        We expect our employees to:
        •  Conduct all their business transactions with
           the highest ethical standards.
        •  Be aware of the 5 Ws - Who, What, When,
           Where, and Why - of compliance.
        •  Be aware of the laws, rules, and regulations,
           that affect the healthcare industry and to
           take due care to adhere to those laws, rules,
           and regulations.

        We expect our employees and management to report suspected violations of the
        Code of Ethics and to respond appropriately when a suspected violation is observed.

        We expect that you will do the right thing!
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