Page 65 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 65

Levels of End-of Life Care - A Review of the Guidelines

        A discussion must be held with        Level 1: Cardiac Resuscitation
        the capacitated patient who             Respiratory arrest with pulse may intubate
        acknowledges agreement with             Full Medical Management
        the levels of end-of-life care.         Code Rescue Allowed / Code Blue for Intubation Only

        After an incapacitated patient's      Level II: No Cardiac Resuscitation; No Intubation
                                                Full Medical Management
        physician has made the
                                                Code Rescue Allowed / NO Code Blue
        determination and appropriately
        documented that the patient has a     Level III: No Cardiac Resuscitation; No Intubation, and
        terminal condition, end stage           no Extraordinary Measures as checked below:
        condition, or is in a persistent         Do not transfer to higher level of care
                                                 Do not titrate vasopressors
        vegetative state, a discussion is held
                                                 Do not initiate new vasopressors
        with the legal decision maker
                                                 No dialysis
        (healthcare surrogate, proxy, or
                                                 Do not transfuse
        guardian).                               Do not re-intubate
                                                 No surgery
        If the legal decision maker is in
                                                 Other:______(free text)
        agreement with the levels of end-
        of-life care (EOL) recommendations      Code Rescue Allowed / No Code Blue
        and what is believed to be the
                                              Level IV: No Cardiac Resuscitation, No Intubation,
        patient's wishes under these            Comfort Measures Only (CMO):
        circumstances or in the patient's       Allow natural death.
        best interest if no prior indication    Patient receives care and treatment necessary to relieve pain,
        was made by the patient, he/she will    maintain comfort and preserve dignity (refer to CMO DO).
        sign the Authorization by the           Deactivation of Implantable Cardiac Rhythm Device (ICD) is
        Legal Decision Maker to Withhold        requested, refer to Deactivation of Cardiac Rhythm Device
        Life Prolonging Procedures for
                                                Life-prolonging therapies are being withdrawn, the
        Incapacitated Patients form for
                                                Determination of Patients Condition must be signed by 2
        the initial (EOL) orders.
                                                physicians, and Authorization for Withdrawal must be signed by
        For any subsequent EOL orders,          the patient’s legal decision maker for incapacitated patients.
        the physician discusses with the        If additional symptom management needed, call provider STAT
        legal decision maker and obtains        No Code Blue
        and documents their verbal            Levels of End of Life are orders rescinded. Patient is a
        consents in the medical record.         full code.
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