Page 22 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 22

Baptist Health Patient Safety Simulation Lab

        Baptist Health is leading the way in patient safety through simulation-based
        medical training – training that is fast becoming a "best practice" in healthcare.
        The Patient Safety Simulation Lab at Baptist Health South Florida enables doctors,
        nurses and other caregivers to practice treating patients in highly realistic
        conditions using state-of-art simulation technology.

        The Baptist Health Patient Safety Simulation Lab offers:

        • Team training
        • Improving communication skills
        • Development of guidelines and protocols

        • Testing opportunities of new techniques
          and procedures

        • Conduct unit based drills to practice high
          risk, low frequent critical events
        • Designed customized courses to meet
          department specific needs

       Visit the Baptist Health Patient Simulation Lab website on the Baptist Health intranet to learn more.
                   Do your part by making your care a little bit safer every day!
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