Page 82 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 82
Profile of a Typical Infant Abductor and Access
Responsibility for the Obstetrical Unit
Based upon an analysis by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children of
256 Cases of Infant Abductions occurring between 1983 and 2008, the Profile of a
Typical Infant Abductor includes the following characteristics:
• Is usually female of "childbearing" age (range now 12 to 53)
and often overweight.
• Is most likely compulsive; most often relies on
manipulation, lying, and deception.
• Frequently indicates she has lost a baby or is incapable of
having one.
• Is often married or cohabitating; companion's desire for a
child or the abductor's desire to provide her companion
with "his" child may be the motivation for the abduction.
• Usually lives in the community where the abduction takes
• Frequently initially visits nursery and maternity units at National Center for Missing
more than one healthcare facility prior to the abduction; & Exploited Children
asks detailed questions about procedures and the maternity 1-800-THE-LOST®
floor layout; frequently uses a fire-exit stairwell for her (1-800-843-5678)
escape; and may also try to abduct from the home setting. Review Infographic:
• Usually plans the abduction, but does not necessarily target Tips: Prevent Infant Abductions
a specific infant; frequently seizes any opportunity present.
• Frequently impersonates a nurse or other allied healthcare personnel.
• Often becomes familiar with healthcare staff members, staff members work
routines, and victim parents.
Florida has established the Safe Haven law that provides a
means for individuals to safely leave infants in select Safe
Haven locations. Click on logo to view statistics and hospital
procedures for the treatment of surrendered newborn infants.