Page 101 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 101

National Patient Safety Goals (5)

        In the past decade healthcare workers have significantly decreased central line associated
        infections (CLABSI). However, when they do occur, they are associated with significant
        patient morbidity and mortality. We should follow evidence-based practices aimed at
        decreasing CLABSI using a bundle approach as recommended by the Institute for
        Healthcare Improvement.

        Strategies for the Prevention of Central Line Associated Blood
        Stream Infection- CLABSI

                                             •  Perform hand hygiene prior to insertion
                                             •  Use maximal sterile barrier precautions, including the
                                               use of a cap, mask, sterile gown, sterile gloves, and a
                                               sterile full body drape, for the insertion of CVCs,
                                               PICCs, or guidewire exchange
                                             •  Prepare skin with a chlorhexidine gluconate
                                               preparation before insertion and during dressing
                                             •  Change central line dressings impregnated with
                                               chlorhexidine gluconate every 7 days and as needed.
                                             •  Review daily with physician the necessity for the
                                               central line
                                             •  Disinfect catheter hubs and injection ports for 15
                                               seconds allowing solution to dry prior to any entry
                                               into line
                                             •  Provide patient and family with educational material
                                               and document in the EMR
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