Page 96 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 96
Summary for Identifying
Infection/Infectious Diseases
The commonly encountered diseases/conditions which require “Isolation Precautions” in
addition to “Standard Precautions” are listed on the table below. The table also provides
the appropriate PPE to use for each type of isolation (Airborne, Droplet & Contact)
(1-5 microns and suspended in (>3 microns and not CONTACT
air for days) suspended in air)
Mycobacterium TB, Measles, Varicella Bacterial Meningitis, Mumps, Clostridium (C. diff), Shigella,
Although not considered common Rubella, Adenovirus, Diphtheria, Hepatitis A (HAV), diarrhea,
suspected novel viruses such as Pertussis, Mycoplasma Rotavirus, VRE, Parainfluenza,
MERS**, H7N( and H5N1 should also be Pneumonia, Influenza, Respiratory Impetigo, Zoster, Scabies,
placed on Airborne Precautions Syncytial (RSV) Pediculosis, Multi drug resistant
**also Contact Precautions Other viral respiratory organisms (MDRO’s) – refer to
Other viral respiratory
pathogens facility policy
• Hand hygiene • Hand hygiene • Strict hand washing
• N-95 mask • Surgical mask (within 3 feet) • Gloves
• Gloves • Gloves When transporting, cover
When transporting, place a surgical When transporting, place a patient with a sheet
mask on the patient surgical mask on the patient Refer to MDRO policy for more
If a disease such as Ebola or a new emerging virus occurs, any
additional precautions needed will be noted.