Page 121 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 121

Here are some examples of fraud:
                                 •  Knowingly billing for services that were not actually furnished
                                 •  Signing blank records for use in submitting claims
                                 •  Falsifying information on records
                                 •  Offering incentives to Medicare patients to receive services
                                 •  Offering payment in exchange for referral of patients
                                 •  Knowingly billing for medically unnecessary services


                                 Abuse is a violation that results in some
                                 kind of benefit such as a payment to
                                 the individual or organization and
                                 unnecessary costs to insurers.
                                 Some examples of abuse are:
                                 •  Misusing codes on a claim
                                 •  Charging excessively for services or supplies
                                 •  Billing for services that were not medically

                                 Waste means practices that either directly or indirectly
                                 result in unnecessary cost to insurers.
                                 Some examples of waste are:
                                 •  Overutilization of services
                                 •  Performing a more expensive test when a less expensive test would
                                   be appropriate
                                 •  Providing services that are not based upon medical necessity or
                                   evidence based standards
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