Page 125 - 2020 ARE eGuide for Clinical at Nonhospital Sites
P. 125
Reporting Potential Conflicts of Interest
All employees of Baptist Health are required to report potential conflicts of interest.
This includes reporting any other job or independent contractor relationship or the receipt
of honorariums.
Potential conflicts of interest are reported by
completing the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.
The form is available online through Employee Self
Service and Manager Self Service.
Non-management employees are required to
complete the form as soon as a potential conflict
arises and then annually after that. Non-
management employees may also be required to
complete a form at the request of the Audit and
Compliance Department.
Management employees are required to complete
the form annually even if no potential conflict exists.
If a new potential conflict comes up during the year,
employees should complete the form as soon as
the new situation occurs.
Management must review the conflict of interest
policy with their staff at least once a year.
Baptist Health Policy 827 Employee Conflict of Interest